Comments on: 7 Weird Teething Symptoms You Should Know About Open to ALL moms (with no secret handshakes) Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:12:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Angela Fri, 15 Jul 2016 14:58:40 +0000 My son will be 14 months next week. He has 15 teeth already and up until the past 2 days he fit into category 1 where all other parents would hate me. His first tooth we knew the day he cut it because the day before it wasn’t there when my finger was in his mouth but the next day he bit me and geez!

After that we realized that he was just a kid with a really high tolerance for pain… We knew it was high for other reasons.

However, past two days he is crying more, drooling more, trying to pull his ears off, using toys to scratch behind his ears, chewing everything including his own feet, he is pooping more but not loose, yesterday though he had clear liquid coming from his nose at one point but not again.
Today as he we are on our deck him playing with toys and water table and pool and me exercising I had to include him in my squating! Um hello I’m already heavy set and to have to hold a 24 pound child and squat and get back up is just killer (obviously for my thighs too).

I don’t want to run to doctor because that’s a 45 minute drive now. Praying it’s teething and not water in ear or ear infection. He hasn’t been sick since he was 7/8 months when he developed pneumonia because the daycare didn’t adhere to sick policies! And when I say not sick I mean his temperature on a daily basis is normal and never elevated even during all his teeth!

Please be teeth!

By: Jenny Blake Fri, 24 Jun 2016 18:30:10 +0000 In reply to chantel n chaniel’s mum.

Hello, Chantel!

Teething can be so tricky and it is amazing how the symptoms of it vary from baby to baby. If the symptoms seem extremely severe to you, I would take him to see a physician. That way, after he has been looked at by a medical professional, you can rule out any other physical ailments that might be contributing to the fussiness and lack of sleep. This article, is about different teethers and how they can help your baby. Although teething may be a factor in your baby’s fussiness, it may not be the only contributor. Hopefully this article might also be helpful in determining why your little one is so fussy. Take care and good luck with those little ones!

By: chantel n chaniel's mum Wed, 22 Jun 2016 08:39:02 +0000 My daughter (now 2 and half years) cut out 8 teeth at once at 7 mths without more than slight temperature. No fussiness, catarrh, fever, rash, diarhoea and any wierd symptom. Its just the drooling. She did great all through. But my son is 8mths now with just a pair of teeth and is so fussy and hot, wit loose stools, catarrh etc. Am so worried for him. The baby and I dint catch a wink of sleep last night. Am so worn out. I wish he was like his sis

By: Brandy Mon, 23 May 2016 00:17:56 +0000 Is dark red swollen gums a symptom? Freaking me out. Has a 101-102 temp, cranky, sleepless ugh. These are her 2 yo molars ?

By: Danielle Miller Wed, 20 Apr 2016 20:25:46 +0000 In reply to Melody.

Thanks, Melody! Glad the article was a help to you.

By: Melody Tue, 19 Apr 2016 02:09:26 +0000 My son is older than most of the posts on here. He always had a fever and diarrhea when teething as a baby (yes it does exist! I think from the extra drool they are swallowing and their change in diet to mostly softer foods). Now, he is 5 and cutting the “kindergarten molars.” He had a low grade fever for one day, then the fever went away but he is still lethargic, sneezy, and red eyes. It’s like allergy symptoms but we have 4ft of snow on the ground. Besides the fever none of his symptoms are like when he cut teeth as a baby. Thanks to your site and reading other comments I am confirmed that he MUST be ready to cut those guys. He currently has NO signs of illness, it’s just allergy symptoms (nothing new introduced in his food or the house). I’m glad to see others defy the medical myths about growing babies… Dr.s are smart but they don’t know everything!

By: Danielle Miller Tue, 15 Mar 2016 20:00:15 +0000 In reply to Rouza.


The rash could be because of teething (especially if she is drooling a lot) but if you are concerned it would be worthwhile to have your pediatrician take a look. You could even contact your doctor and see if they would like you to send in a photo first… It’s up to you.

By: Rouza Wed, 09 Mar 2016 20:45:37 +0000 My bby is 8mnths old she’s cutting her 1st teeth nw’she had eczema n it went away bt nw her teeth is almst cuming thru n I saw a rash tht lookd like da 1st tym I found out she had eczema omg’its on her tummy’back’face n behind her ears’I dunno anymore bt I do hve oinmnt I put on her…mbe its part of teethng.

By: Danielle Miller Wed, 24 Feb 2016 20:52:38 +0000 In reply to Kelello.


Oh dear! That sounds terrible! So sorry for your little guy. You might want to add some probiotics to his diet if you haven’t already.

Also, what is the doctor recommending for the mouth infection?

By: Kelello Sat, 20 Feb 2016 20:05:17 +0000 from reading different comments posted here I’m convinced that teething comes with different symptoms to different babies. my son is turning 1 year in a months time and he’s teething the premolars already. He developed these whitish-painful-irritating sores on the tongue, on mouth walls and on the gums.
His Dr. said it’s mouth infection but it has nothing to do with teething. I clearly understand that teething might be the source for those. he can’t eat anything willingly. he can’t even chew the teething rings due to paibdul sores. I’m stressed beyond measure, but I know this will come to pass. Thanks for the info on weird-uncommon signs of teething. They exist…
